What to do with a cursed computer

What to do with a cursed computer

There’s all kinds of fun things broken computers are good for, after you’ve tried everything to fix it and the computer proves to be of no good use. Below is what I would consider the top 10:

  1. Throw the computer off of a high point. At least 3 or 4 stories high would be good. I’ve done this before and it tends to be anti-climatic. If you choose on doing this be sure you’re the one throwing it, it’s more fun that way.
  2. Sell you computer on ebay. If you have a recent computer this might be viable option. There are several people that sell their computers “as-is” and make a small amount of change.
  3. Plug your computer’s power connector in backwards and let the sparks fly. This is much easier to do with older computers like 386’s than the new models. With old atx style motherboards you can switch the two power connectors on the motherboard and let the system fry itself. Some 486’s even let you plug the CPU in incorrectly which made a fun amount of smoke. With new computer’s one can try overclocking them to extreme levels and then removing the heatsink to provide a similar effect.
  4. Burn it’s body, throw the bones through a wood chipper, mix it with cement and throw it in the ocean or a nearby lake.
  5. Leave it in your unlocked car and hope someone takes it. Better yet, find someone else’s unlocked car and leave it there.
  6. Do your civic duty and take it to a computer recycling center. Really, they do exist try looking in the phone book.
  7. Decorate your apartment with it’s dead parts or better yet use them for body piercings.
  8. Just take it out back and shoot it. Or go lethal on it Office Space style.
  9. Donate it to a charity. You’ll have a better chance of them accepting it if you just leave it at their doorstep. Don’t even think about taking it off your taxes.
  10. Have a white elephant party.
  11. Keep it on your desk and use it as a perpetual excuse why you can’t do things like, your homework, the dishes and paying bills.

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